How is ecosystem, a non-profit-making producer responsibility organisation, financed?

As a producer responsibility organisation we are mainly financed through eco-fees. The rest coming from material revenues from recycling. Different to a tax levied by the State, the eco-fee is a contribution paid by purchasers of new equipment to fund the extension of the equipment’s service life before it is discarded. The whole of this eco-fee is then paid by producers to producer responsibility organisations.
What is the eco-fee used for?
The eco-fee is used to finance methods to extend the service life of equipment, collection, decontamination and recycling. It also used to finance the information provided to consumers and professionals having this equipment as well as the human and technical resources required for the system to work correctly.
For lamps and household appliances, the eco-fee must be visibly passed on to the user. The requirement regarding visibility is not compulsory for professional electrical and electronic equipment.
How is it calculated?
We have a legal requirement to use all our resources for our various missions. A year’s worth of resources must balance out our costs.
Who sets the amount?
We set the amount of the eco-fee, which varies from one type of equipment to another, according to treatment costs. Then we submit it to the public authorities for approval. It is regularly reviewed according to the operating costs of the different sectors.