Fight the depletion of fossil and mineral resources,
by developing collection and contributing to the development of new industrial processes to produce high quality recycled materials meeting the manufacturing requirements for new items.
ecosystem, a mission-led company

We officially became a “mission-led” company on 24 June 2021, a public and sustainable commitment supporting our purpose.
Our mission-led company status
The “mission-led company” status was created by the French PACTE Act, passed in May 2019. This gives companies wishing to do so, the possibility of defining its purpose, i.e. its reason for being, expressing the role that is intends to fulfil in the world of tomorrow. It is rolled out by defining objectives pursued by its business activities.
The mission-led company status does not replace a company’s legal form.
Specific governance is required for companies having more than 50 employees: a Mission Committee comprised of at least one employee and persons from outside the company who are responsible for monitoring the mission. It checks that the decisions made by the company are in keeping with the objectives pursued. It issues an annual report focusing on this which is included in the management report.
The performance of the objectives is also audited by an independent third-party (Mazars for ecosystem) and gives rise to proposals that mission-led companies must publish on their websites.
Our purpose and our objectives
Here at ecosystem, our purpose is to protect the environment, natural resources and health by rallying the community to boost the use of high-quality recycled materials by developing collection and reducing the quantity of waste generated by extending the service life of electrical and electronic equipment.
Our purpose is defined in 5 social and environmental objectives:

Our Mission Committee
Our Mission Committee has 11 members. They are nominated for a two-year period by the Board of Directors based on proposals by the Chairman or Chief Executive Officer. The members are:
- Jocelyn Blériot, CEO of the Ellen McArthur Foundation
- Nathalie Boyer, Vice CEO, OREE - Mission Committee Chairwoman
- François Carlier, Vice CEO, CLCV
- Jacques Desproges, Independent Operator, Founder and former Chairman of Terra SA
- Donatien Drilhon, ecosystem employee
- Abderaman El Aoufir, CEO, Derichebourg Environnement
- Bruno Gahery, ecosystem Board Member, BSH
- Brigitte Petit, Independent Board Member
- Virginie Raisson-Victor, Geopolitical Scientist and Chairman of GIEC Pays de la Loire
- Vincent Thiébaut, Member of the French Parliament, Bas-Rhin
- Pierre Thuillier, ecosystem Administrator, CEO of Pro et Cie