Identify the elements in regulations and standards applicable to eco-design and the circular economy

Below is a collection of regulations and standards that may be useful in helping to understand current and future regulations for the electrical and electronic equipment sector.
- Waste Framework Directive and amendments – European directive that defines the concept of waste, establishes the waste management hierarchy, defines the obligation to treat waste in a way that is not harmful to the environment and human health, establishes the principles and objectives for member states.
- WEEE Directive – European directive on the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment
- ErP Directive (Energy related Products) – European directive on the eco-design of energy-related products
- Product-specific rules and requirements – European energy labelling and eco-design requirements applying to a list of product groups.
- The anti-waste for a circular economy law: a French law designed to accelerate the change in production and consumption patterns in order to limit waste and preserve natural resources, biodiversity and the climate (in French).
- Decrees implementing the AGEC law: the decrees implementing the aforementioned law
- Climate and Resilience Law: : this law enacted in 2021 complements the AGEC Law in a number of respects
- Décret no. 2022-748 of 29 April 2022 on consumer information on the environmental qualities and characteristics of waste-generating products, in particular recyclability
- Frequently Asked Questions on environmental claims and consumer information on products
- Article L541-10-12 on prevention and eco-design plans
- Article L 541-10-3 presenting the new modulation mechanisms introduced by the AGEC law
- Article R541-99 of the French Environment Code, supplementing the previous Article
- Everything you need to know about the French repairability index – On the website of the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, all the information on the repairability index (calculation method, calculation aid, calculation grids, regulatory elements, etc.).
- Order Repairability Index Signage – Order under the AGEC law on display methods, signage and general parameters for calculating the repairability index.
All the decrees relating to the various products are available in the first link.
- REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) – European regulation concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals
- RoHS - Restriction of Hazardous Substances et amendments– European directive aimed at limiting the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic products.
- POP Regulation and amendments – European regulation specific to substances recognized as persistent organic pollutants
- European Green Deal – The European Commission's new action plan to make the European economy sustainable.
Standards and environmental declaration programmes
« Material efficiency »
Normative work at European level aims to propose different standards for "material efficiency" issues, specific to energy-related products (sustainability, ability to re-manufacture a product, ability to repair, reuse and upgrade, recyclability and recoverability, recycled material content).
Two standards to which ecosystem is particularly committed:
- EN 45555 (General methods for assessing the recyclability and recoverability of energy-related products)
- EN 45557 (General method for assessing the recycled content of energy-related products)
Environmental assessment of products
Various standards are available for electrical and electronic products, defining the calculation rules for an environmental life cycle assessment:
- ISO 14025: Environmental labels and declarations - Type III environmental declarations - Principles and procedures
- ISO 14040: Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework
- EN 15804: Sustainability of construction works. Environmental product declarations. Core rules for the product category of construction products
- EN 50693: Product category rules for life cycle assessments of electronic and electrical products and systems
- PEP ecopassport® programme: Programme that provides a reference framework in line with international best practice (ISO 14025 & ISO 14040) for qualifying the environmental performance of electrical and electronic products
- PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) – European scheme for the implementation of a multi-criteria measurement of the environmental performance of a good or service throughout its life cycle
Texts, guides and works of interest
- I4R plateforme – On the I4R platform, developed by APPLIA, Digital Europe and the WEEE Forum, you will find WEEE treatment forms to help you meet the requirements of Article 15 of Directive 2012/19/EU
- Sustainable Products Initiative find out more about the European initiative on product eco-design for greater circularity
- European strategy on plastics in a circular economy
To find out more