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Earn a Circular Economy Certificate through ongoing training

Logo de Mines Paris PSL, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL et ecosystem

To support businesses and professionals who want to play a part in changing the production and consumption systems in our society, Mines Paris - PSL and Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, joined forces with ecosystem to design a dedicated training programme.

Training course with operational targets for a wide audience 

This French-language programme aims to drive change by training company employees in the circular economy and its new business models in the fields of recycling, reuse, repair and job-creating services. Methods for implementing this transformation within organisations are also discussed. 

The aim of this Circular Economy Certificate is to enable participants to:

  • Understand the circular economy and master its transformative concepts, 
  • Identify and design new business models based on circularity approaches, 
  • Engage their partners in the circular economy, so that they can effectively initiate transformation processes within their organisation.

This training course is aimed at a variety of profiles, both those already in post and employees looking to retrain:

  • Management of SMEs and VSEs 
  • CSR Supervisor, Sustainable Development Manager 
  • Production Manager, Operations Manager 
  • General Counsel, Chief Financial Officer 
  • Innovation Manager 
  • Marketing Manager.

A comprehensive programme to master the Circular Economy 

The course covers the following topics: 

  • Understanding the circular economy and mastering its transformative concepts
  • Tensions over resources and an introduction to sobriety
  • Product life cycles and levers for reducing impact
  • New business models
  • Focus on recycling, its technical, regulatory and social aspects, with a field visit
  • New business models and tools in practice
  • Convincing, building, guiding and transforming with your stakeholders
  • How to project your business into the future (serious game)?
  • Company implementation project - Certification


Practical details

Cette offre de formation est éligible à Mon Compte Formation (CPF)

This training course is only available in French but is eligible for the "Mon Compte Formation" scheme and will lead to certification. It will therefore require a topical project to be presented at the end of the course. To apply, a CV and cover letter are required. 

The Circular Economy Certificate courses consist of 9 days of attendance spread over 9 weeks, to enable participants to continue working full-time and pursue their professional commitments. 

The successful completion of the program leads to the awarding of the Executive Certificate "Circular Economy" issued by Mines Paris – PSL Executive Education and Dauphine – PSL Executive Education, as well as the granting of the competency block RNCP34196BC05 – Raise awareness and support all stakeholders in the search for and implementation of effective, innovative solutions for sustainable development, as part of the "Expert en environnement et développement durable (MS)" certification awarded by Mines Paris – PSL.


For more details (in French)

They did it!

Discover the testimony of Cyrille Perez, Product Material Compliance Coordinator & Circularity Program Manager at SKF Group and alumnus of the 2024 Circular Economy Certificate class.

"The training will allow me to address the topic of circular economy within my company. It showed me that there might not be just one path, but rather several different possible applications. I appreciated the wealth of the speakers, the variety of issues and business models we covered, and the sharing of knowledge and experiences with my fellow participants. This is not about theory; we're really working on the practical side of what we can actually do!"

  • Martin Duval – CEO et Fondateur de Bluenove

  • Laure Morice - Responsable Études et Gisements Réemploi chez ecosystem

  • Sandra Bravard - Responsable Front office producteurs chez ecosystem

Would you like to join the 3rd cohort of the Certificate program to train in Circular Economy?

Applications are open until February 16, 2025!
Please note that this certificate is open to French speakers only, but we are more than willing to share our experience and expertise on circular economy topics within European and international initiatives.

Reach out to

For more details (in French)