Summary of Ecodesign and Prevention Plans - Household EEE
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In response to the requirements of the French Anti-Waste for a Circular Economy Law (AGEC), ecosystem provides its producer members with numerous tools and documents relating to their prevention and eco-design plans.
According to Article L 541-10-12 of the AGEC anti-waste law enacted in February 2020: "Each producer is required to draw up and implement a prevention and eco-design plan with the aim of reducing the use of non-renewable resources, increasing the use of recycled materials, and increasing the recyclability of its products in treatment facilities located in France."
For the EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipment) EPR sector, this obligation applies in particular to producers of household and professional equipment (manufacturers, importer-resellers, own-brand sellers, distance sellers), whether they are part of an individual system or a member of a Producer Responsibility Organisation. It also applies to all battery producers.
Producers must produce a plan defining the prevention and eco-design objectives and actions to be implemented over the next five years. This plan can be drawn up individually or collectively by producers and must be revised every five years, incorporating a review of the previous plan.
For producers in a mutual system, individual or collective plans must be sent to the Producer Responsibility Organisation to which they belong.
As a Producer Responsibility Organisation, every 3 years we must draw up a summary of the prevention and eco-design plans of all our producer members.
Since December 2023, we have provided you with the first four summaries for the sectors for which we areaccredited.
These summaries for EEE and Lamps were validated by the ecosystem Stakeholder Committee on 5 December 2023 and were presented during a public webinar on 8 December 2023, which is available to watch here (in French).
To help producers draw up and formalise their plans, ecosystem has partnered with other Producer Responsibility Organisations and developed a template to help them build their action plans.
The template can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. Since 1st January 2023, it has been possible to return this completed document via our ecosystem portal. As a Producer Responsibility Organisation, we are responsible for collecting the plans and producing a summary every three years (the first of which is available in the previous section). The next summary will be realized in 2026.
A template to help producers draw up a five-year action plan aims to guide them through the required steps and useful questions to ask.
The proposed template uses the design areas specified by the applicable Article of the Law, namely increasing the integration of recycled materials, reducing the use of non-renewable materials and improving recyclability. The template also offers the possibility of going further in all stages of a product life cycle, for example, by potentially extending its lifespan.
Download the template (Excel file)
Watch Our dedicated webinar in French presenting the summary of our EEE producers’ prevention and eco-design plans
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